Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our story!

Malorie Rose was born November 22, 2008 she was a large healthy baby and on the surface everything seemed so normal and perfect. Little would I know that we would have a more than out of the ordinary adventure! Due to a list of reasons that I will not get into at the moment sadly I was unable to exclusively breastfeed my daughter and thus she was on formula. And so our journey began....

When Malorie was about four months old I noticed her face was covered in tiny bumps. Baby acne? allergic reaction to cotton? soap? lotion? perfume? I had no idea it was the Gerber brand cereal that I had just introduced...who puts soy in rice cereal?? I digress.

At this time her cradle cap had come back at full force and was causing her to be very itchy at night when we were all trying to sleep. Eventually all of this came to a point were it was very obvious that my daughter had developed eczema! The picture to the left was taken when My daughter was six months old. Her diet had increased and unfortunately so had her eczema. I had no idea it could be food allergies, I was feeding her baby food why would they put anything but fruit and veggies in baby food?! I was taking her to Dr. after Dr. and received so many different creams and shampoos but no one offered a blood test. I washed her ceremoniously and took so much care in what touched her skin. little did I know I was feeding her the cause of her pain. Besides I had tried to eliminate foods but nothing seemed to help. Little did I know she was not allergic to one particular thing but a many!!! A few months had passed with no relief and no sleep for mommy. She would wake up crying in the night every night itchy and bloody from scratching. I felt so helpless and sad that I couldn't help her. Their was nothing I could do to ease her pain and the rash seemed to spread and spread and spread. We had the diagnosis of eczema but was told they don't know why such things happen. And so the rash continued....

As a mother having a child with eczema was stressing. I felt as if I had failed her in someway. I could not help her when she cried and when her face hurt. I worried that this would be something that she would have to deal with her whole life. I was upset when people would talk about her or ask silly questions about her face.
Let me tell you the comments were endless. People would stop me in the store to ask me what was wrong with my baby. "Is her face dirty?" "ooh my did she get a burn?" Yes yes my child was horribly burned thank you for bringing up horrible memories.... Yes it got to that point. I was fed up and protective over her I hated the way people looked at her. All they saw and all they talked about was her skin and how her rash looked.

I had enough I was going to find answers. I spend hours on the Internet looking at pictures of other children that had the same condition as my daughter. I skimmed thew countless web sites claiming to heal her skin with magic and soap for only hundreds of dollars. I purchased countless bottles of lotion and bath soaps that claimed to help.

Finally I made another Dr appointment determined not to leave the office without a blood test, testing for food allergies. To my astonishment I didn't even have to ask my daughter was taken right away to have blood drawn. The procedure was a bit stressful but all survived it. Now all that was left to do was wait....

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