Sunday, August 29, 2010

The call

I received the call sometime after breakfast. My daughters Dr. is a very nice lady and I enjoy her honesty and aggressive nature. I remember the first thing she said to me was
"you have a very allergic little girl." I was shocked but at the same time not, but it also left be bracing for the next words...
"she seems to be allergic to everything that we tested her for." My mouth dropped. she went on to explain to me that she was Highly allergic to wheat, and soy and was also showing marks in milk, eggs and peanuts. I was speechless. At this very moment my daughter looked up at me with a yogurt drop in her mouth happily munching away at her itchy snacks. I couldn't help but to laugh, not a its so funny laugh, but more of a relief i guess. I had been spending the last five months of my life fighting to find a resolution to my daughters eczema and now I had it. to my surprise i felt a seance of relief and a bit invigorated. because now i knew what what causing it and I could do something about it. I quickly cleaned out my cupboards and removed snacks with allergies. I was left with practically nothing, so off to the store i went with a seance of purpose and a list of allergens.

Then it happened, standing in the isle of the store putting the tenth box of food back on the shelf that the overwhelming feeling hit me. I was struck with the feeling of "what am I going to feed my baby" everything I had previously fed her was wrong. practically in tears I left the store empty handed. it was so much to take in. i had re-learn everything I ever knew about food. And the urgency was strong. So this started my journey to relearn what it is to have a child will allergies. To think about food in a whole new light. To become responsible for my daughters health and to take charge of her eczema.

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