Friday, May 6, 2011

Allergy test #2 results

I know, I know I said I would update more and well I didn't. So no promises this time but I will try to add more great info!

On to my update,

Two weeks ago we had another allergy test done by our pediatrician, whom I hate BTW. With much prodding i convinced him that my daughter really does have allergies and is now developing asthma. boo on that :(

So a week ago we get the results. not good but not surprised. they are listed bellow along with the degree class and actual number. mostly for my notes so if you want more info I encourage you to look up what the different classes are.

Total counts
Immunoglobulin IgE is what showed up in her blood at a high 138 U/L
to learn more about Immunoglobulin IgE click the link

IgE. IgE antibodies are found in the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes. They cause the body to react against foreign substances such as pollen, fungus spores, and animal dander. They may occur in allergic reactions to milk, some medicines, and some poisons. IgE antibody levels are often high in people with allergies.

Peanut - positive class 2
low but still allergic,

Soy bean - positive class 2
low side but still allergic

Cockroach - eww positive class 2
nasty!!!!! but good to know. BTW its the poop dust that people are allergic to

Dog hair/dander - positive class 2
Not to bad no asthma with this one

Egg white - positive class 3
she is sensitive to this one, she will actually get an asthma reaction when feed eggs.

Wheat- positive class 3
still very allergic to wheat, this is not a new one. she is so sensitive that she can break out with eczema if her food is contaminated with wheat. meaning processed with other items that are made of wheat, also if it shares a container, or is fried with other wheat products.

Cat - very high positive at a class 4
very very allergic. sneezing, coughing, runny nose,eyes, eventuality asthma attack, requiring a breathing treatment.

So there we have it! the food allergies we knew about and the others we didn't but I am glad that I know. I think I am going to get a copy of the allergy test results from her first Dr, so I can compare. I believe that the levels have gone down but I would be interested to see. I know that she tested very high on soy before and now it seems lower so perhaps she could grow out of some of them. Wheat is still very high always has been so I am not putting any money on that one going away anytime soon. This day and age with so many people going gluten free it is becoming so much easier getting great food for her to eat! stay tuned for a new list of awesome allergy free foods that I have found and love!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Very long overdue update!

Malorie is doing great!!! She is almost two and a half now and I am happy to say she is on all foods except wheat. So only down to one allergy!!! I am so happy! Wheat is so much easier to avoid than other foods.
Sadly at this age she is starting to notice that we are eating things that she is not. I try to make things that we all can eat together and not leave her out. most of our dinners are allergy free and we eat at the table like a family. The hard part is when we eat out. I used to bring her foods to eat but she is noticing that we are getting special food and she wants special food too. I'm not really sure what to do about this yet. I have thought about telling her about her allergies but i don't know if she will understand. I will think of something.

I will hope to update more soon!!!