Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reintruducing milk day 1

with much discussion my husband and I have made the decision to try my daughter on milk again to see if perhaps she has an allergy to it or not. today we are going to call day one. Yesterday with much apprehension we gave her a rice cookie knowing that it contained not only milk product but also soy. it has now been over eight hours and their is no facial eczema. YAHOOO. I didn't think she got eczema from milk anyway, Wheat has always given her eczema on her face within eight hours of eating it. so far we don't see a reaction what so ever. this evening or perhaps tomorrow we will be adding just a bit of organic milk to her bottle and see how she does.
Our hopes are that she has grown out of her milk allergy or perhaps just built a tolerance to it. If we could add milk back into her diet slowly her options for food open up so much. not only could she enjoy ice cream and cheese but also get all the benefits and fat that milk has to offer!
I am trying not to get excited about the prospects of my daughter growing out of an allergy. I don't want to be disappointed if perhaps the challenge to feed her allergy free food continues. I have a sneaky feeling that she will be allergic to wheat perhaps for life or at least quite a long time. I am prepared for that. besides their is a world of food out their for wheat free people, its when you start adding milk, egg, and milk on top of the no no list that it begins to get overwhelming.
I have come along way in feeding my allergy child, no more do I feel like their is no option for her. I have learned so much about food, nutrition and learned a huge lesson in processed foods. I have learned more about allergies and food intolerance on my own with the help of the Internet than any one Dr had told me. I am proud to say that yes I have a child with food allergies, yes she eats good food, and yes you can do it! stay tuned for day#2